We assist our clients in operations involving the most varied sectors of the economy both on the domestic and international front, in various areas.
Administrative Law
Special rules apply to the granting of contracts and public services concessions. PNST assists our clients in preparing for compliance with Brazilian law, in particular new regulations stemming from anti-corruption laws.
Antitrust and Economic Law
PNST vigilantly determines whether a given transaction falls under the purview of Brazilian antitrust law. In 2012, an amendment was passed with legal implications for investing and/or corporate restructuring in Brazil.
Banking and Finance
Public and private issue of shares, debentures, commercial papers, euronotes and DRs; project finance; foreign direct investment in the Brazilian financial and capital markets, including the Brazilian stock exchanges; foreign direct financing and relending; assignment of credits and assumption of obligations; international transfers in Brazilian currency; trade-finance; securitization of assets.
Civil Consulting and Litigation
Pre-litigation assistance (prevention of litigation) in all judicial court proceedings including claims of diffuse collective and individual uniform rights (environmental, consumer relations, meriting artistic/aesthetic/historic/touristic/scenic value), public civil actions, recuperation of credits (foreclosure and presentation of credits in bankruptcy and the composition of creditors), real estate, estate and family law.
Commercial Contracts
PNST offers analysis, elaboration, revision and opinion on any commercial contract including task work, EPCM, turn-key, agency, representation, distribution, use of image, loan, expense allotment, construction, loan for use, supply, services rendered, consignment, insurance, including D&O, guarantee, bonds, bank surety, confidentiality (NDA), general bank loans, BNDES loans, purchase and sale of inventory, commercial lease, cooperation, partnerships, non-competition, and comfort letters.
Corporate Law
Incorporation, corporate organization and reorganization, split-offs, transformation and liquidation, formation of new corporate entities (Ltd. or S/As), assistance in navigating regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) and the Commission of Securities and Exchange (CVM), assistance with private equity or investors, venture capital, joint-ventures, agreements between shareholders, inbound and outbound flow of capital, operations, cross-borders and corporate restructurings, remittances of foreign investment credit conversion proceeds, exchange rules, registry of foreign investment at the Central Bank of Brazil and registration in Brazil of foreign corporate entities in independent form or through associations with local partners.
Data Protection & Privacy
Consultancy and legal assistance in compliance with the LGPD and other applicable regulations, including data governance, drafting and reviewing privacy policies, data mapping, data processing agreements, incident response, audits, process adaptation, training, due diligence, and litigation related to privacy and data protection.
Environmental Law
PNST advises our clients on Brazilian environmental law. From licensing and authorizations to litigation and compliance matters, PNST’s advisement may minimize or eliminate severe penalties.
Family Law and Succession
PNST provides consultancy and litigation in family and estate law including estate planning, wills, separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, domestic contracts, stable union contracts, guardianships and visitation rights, food subsidies, partition of succession, domestic and international succession planning and adoption, and any consulting assistance and/or litigation in family and succession law.
Foreign investment
Incorporation, corporate organization and reorganization, split-offs, transformation and liquidation, formation of new corporate entities (Ltd. or S/As), assistance in navigating regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) and the Commission of Securities and Exchange (CVM), assistance with private equity or investors, venture capital, joint-ventures, agreements between shareholders, inbound and outbound flow of capital, operations, cross-borders and corporate restructurings, remittances of foreign investment credit conversion proceeds, exchange rules, registry of foreign investment at the Central Bank of Brazil and registration in Brazil of foreign corporate entities in independent form or through associations with local partners.
Intellectual Property
Legal assistance in branding, patents, royalties, trade secrets, technology transfers, copyright, software protection, domain registry, licensing, cessions, industrial design and know-how.
Labor Law Consulting and Litigation
PNST is actively engaged in labor law preventive consultation and litigation. We represent our clients in labor processes, previous conciliations, negotiations with labor unions, lawsuits pertaining to wages, employee contracts and collective agreements. Our expertise encompasses judicial labor claims, the minimization of fines resulting from inspections by the Ministry of Labor and by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Security.
Mediation and Arbitration
PNST provides assistance to companies and individuals in public and private mediation and arbitration (domestic or international), elaboration of opinions and assistance with the drafting of commitment clauses and arbitration commitments.
Mergers and Acquisitions
PNST facilitates mergers and acquisitions in a cross cultural context with labor, tax, corporate and commercial issues addressed.
Real Estate Operations
Assisting individuals and legal entities in real estate transactions—purchase and sale of real estate, exchanges, donation in payment, mortgages and leases, build to suit (BTS), leasebacks, retrofitting, action in rem (DRS), joint ventures, SPEs (special purpose entities), establishment of real estate holdings, removal of industrial plants, securitization of real estate receivables, creation of investment funds, general structuring of real estate enterprises (allotments, incorporations, hotels, flat services, residential, commercial, industrial and technological, condominiums, malls), expansion strategies and performance of due diligence in the acquisition of land and restatement of registration.
Regulatory Law
PNST educates our clients in material issues involving governmental agencies of Brazil (including energy, telecom, oil, etc.).
Tax Consulting and Litigation
Tax law consultancy, administrative and judicial tax litigation (federal state or municipal), tax planning, preparation of opinions and/or administrative consultancy, preventative defense of tax demands (considered illegal and/or unconstitutional), providing taxpayer defense against records of violation as well as evaluating for reinstatement of taxes and contributions.